Our Story, Mission & Vision

Where We Began

Open Arms Christian Fellowship was planted by Comeback Ministries International. The church plant came after much prayer and fasting, as well as, the Lord speaking and confirming His Word through the CMI Board Members. Pastors Larry & Wendy Crawford, along with Pastors Kevin & Charlene Wolf held the first service Easter morning April 8, 2007 in the Wolf home.

The church continued to grow and moved to its previous location in near downtown Lincoln on June 1, 2008. Growth has continued in all areas of ministry and in July 2015, the church moved to a newly renovated facility at 813 Woodlawn Road. Due to continual growth, we are moving to the Lincoln Christian University Chapel. This will enable us to minister more effectively to our community and beyond.


A Spirit-filled, Bible-believing, praying church, committed to living the Greatest Commandments and fulfilling the Great Commission.


We are a transforming community transforming our community.

A Church being built by Jesus, providing a Presence in the community and a safe place for people to experience a personal encounter with Jesus Christ resulting in:

  • the Truth in love being proclaimed to every individual.

  • the Transformation of the city of Lincoln, Central Illinois and the world with the Gospel.

  • the Training of disciples of Jesus who will be sent throughout the world to advance the Kingdom of God.